IIT Software Academy’s full-stack Java developer course is designed to provide individuals with a comprehensive understanding of the Java programming language and its various frameworks, as well as the skills and knowledge needed to build modern web applications.
The course typically covers topics such as:
Core Java: The fundamentals of Java programming language, including data types, control structures, and object-oriented programming concepts.
Database and SQL: An introduction to databases, including database design, SQL queries, and database management.
Front-end Development: The basics of front-end web development, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and various front-end frameworks like React and Angular.
Back-end Development: The core concepts of back-end web development, including server-side programming with Java, frameworks like Spring Boot, and RESTful web services.
Deployment and DevOps: An overview of the software development life cycle, including deployment, testing, and DevOps tools like Git, Jenkins, and Docker.
Project Management: Understanding how to manage software projects using agile methodologies, including project planning, estimation, and tracking.
By the end of the course, students are expected to have a deep understanding of the Java programming language and its frameworks, as well as the ability to design, develop, test, and deploy modern web applications using the latest technologies.
FEE : 1900 GBP
Candidates can pay 50% during training and the remaining 50% after getting the job.
Course Contents
Java Intro
Java Get Started
Java Syntax
Java Comments
Java Variables
Java Data Types
Java Type Casting
Java Operators
Java Strings
Java Math
Java Booleans
Java If…ElseJava Switch
Java While LoopJava For Loop
Java Break/Continue
Java Arrays
Java Methods
Java Methods
Java Method Parameters
Java Classes
Java OOP
Java Classes/Objects
Java Class Attributes
Java Class MethodsJava Constructors
Java Modifiers
Java Encapsulation
Java Packages / API
Java Inheritance
Java PolymorphismJ
ava Inner Classes
Java Abstraction
Java Interface
Java Enums
Java User Input
Java Date
Java ArrayList
Java LinkedList
Java HashMap
Java HashSet
Java Iterator
Java Wrapper Classes
Java Exceptions
Java RegEx
Java Threads
Java File Handling
Java Files
Java Create/Write
FilesJava Read Files
Java Delete Files
Java date and time api
Functional interface
Lambda function
Regular expression
String buffer
MYSQL Database
SQL Intro
SQL Syntax
SQL Select
SQL Where
SQL And, Or, Not
SQL Order By
SQL Insert
Into SQL Null Values
SQL Update
SQL Delete
SQL Select
SQL Min and Max
SQL Count, Avg, Sum
SQL Like
SQL Joins
SQL Inner Join
SQL Left Join
SQL Right Join
SQL Full Join
SQL Self Join
SQL Union
SQL Create DB
DBSQL Create Table
SQL Drop Table
SQL Alter Table
SQL Constraints SQL Not Null
SQL Unique
SQL Primary Key
SQL Foreign Key
Spring Boot
Spring CRUD
Monolithic Architecture
Challenges of Monolithic Architecture
What is Microservices
Microservice Architecture